Spring Cleanup
Spring clean-up service consists of removing all leaves, branches and other debris that have accumulated over the course of the winter season throughout your property. This includes old material in landscape beds, cutting in new edges, initial fertilization, repairs, and hauling away the debris from your property.
In New England, the winters treat landscapes harshly. The rapidly melting snows along with the cool, overcast, and wet weather bring special conditions that need immediate attention prior to the start of spring. Regardless of the amount of cleanup you did last fall, there is always more to do to get your lawn and landscape ready for the growing season.
In order to take full advantage of the summer months and maximize your time outside, a comprehensive spring clean up is a critical element. April and May growing seasons set the foundation for a well maintained landscape throughout the Summer.
Fall Cleanup
Fall clean-up service is all about preparing grass, trees, and shrubs for a rapid reemergence in the Spring. We focus on removing all leaves, branches and other debris that have accumulated over the course of the summer season throughout your property and landscape beds. We then treat your lawn with fertilizers and anti-fungal treatment in order to assure a healthy lawn in the Spring. Fungus and spores lay dormant throughout the Winter and will quickly emerge in the Spring if not treated properly. We finish off winterization by clearing all sprinkler lines, cutting back certain plants, and erecting shrub tents in places where falling ice and snow may cause irreparable damage.
This is a great way to prepare your lawn and property for the New England Winter season. Proper cleanup and winterization will reduce Spring overhead and prepare the property for a quick revitalization when the snow pack is gone.